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BERLEGAR di media umum poster di atas. Benarkah perang saudara di antara 2 orang kanan Najib Razak yang paling berkuasa ini?
Hari ini sebuah portal menyiarkan goresan pena berikut (baca di bawah)
Anda cakap apa pun orang ambil serius dan orang beri hormat yang tinggi, jauh lebih tinggi daripada kedudukan rasmi, penampilan atau tahap pendidikan.
Malah jikalau jago politik kanan, pegawai kanan kerajaan atau broker kuasa lain di Malaysia ini tidak sukakan anda, mereka tahu pada kesudahannya anda bercakap bagi Najib Razak atau "Madam", begitulah Rosmah Mansor, isteri Najib digelar dalam lingkungan perdana menteri.
Masalahnya jadi tukang atur yang berkuasa di lapangan ialah semua orang dalam kem PM juga mengidam kedudukan yang dekat dan kuat itu, dan akan melaksanakan apa saja untuk menjatuhkan anda.
Inilah yang dialami oleh Ahli Parlimen Baling Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim hari ini. Beliau mencar ilmu dengan pantas bahawa dekat dengan kekuasaan di Malaysia ini ada baik dan buruknya.
Suatu hari, anda cemerlang dan tampak seolah tidak tersentuh dengan pendedahan apa pun. Tetapi pada suatu hari yang lain, bahasa Melayu anda yang pelat atau kefasihan dalam Tamil jadi isu.
Pekerja politik PM dan blogger menghidu kelemahannya. Mereka percaya relasi Abdul Azeez dengan keluarga PM robek dan tigak teguh lagi menyerupai dulu.
Akibatnya, ada beberapa rencana yang ditulis wacana beliau.
Kebanyakan artikel itu disiarkan di Malaysia Today yang dikendalikan oleh blogger
Raja Petra Kamarudin yang hidup dalam pelarian, yang kini kelihatannya menyokong kerajaan selepas bertahun-tahun mendukung Anwar Ibrahim selepas bekas timbalan perdana menteri dipecat daripada kerajaan padan 1998.
Ada cakap-cakap dalam kelompok Umno bahawa Raja Petra, yang lebih dikenali dengan kependekan RPK, berkomplot dengan seorang lagi penasihat Najib tetapi ia masih lagi tinggal cakap-cakap hingga hari ini.
"Buang masa saya," kata Abdul Azeez di lobi Parlimen semalam saat diminta mengulas goresan pena Raja Petra.
Apa yang terperinci ialah Abdul Azeez, pengerusi Tabung Haji dan ketua Putera Umno, sekarang ini diserang saat penasihat-penasihat dalam lingkungan Najib bersaing untuk jadi orang referensi utama perdana menteri.
Mereka mahu jadi menyerupai Abdul Azeez, yang hingga tahu apa PM akan pakai esok serta kegiatan yang akan dihadirinya. Untuk dapat singgah di rumah PM pada bila-bila masa dan dilibatkan dalam apa-apa perbincangan walaupun ia melibatkan informasi sulit negara.
Ada masanya orang referensi itu ialah mereka yang duduk dalam kelompok Najib yang sedang mendaki tangga kuasa dalam Umno. Tetapi hari ini, petugas politik yang bersembunyi di sebalik bayang-bayang inilah yang mencicipi mereka patut diketahui sebagai orang referensi dalam pentadbiran Najib.
Seorang daripadanya dijadualkan muncul dalam satu wawancara BBC saat heboh wacana identiti MO1 — pegawai kanan Malaysia yang dikatakan oleh Jabatan Kehakiman (DoJ) Amerika Syarikat terlibat dalam kleptokrasi 1Malaysia Development Berhad.
Tetapi BBC kemudian mendapati ia tidak menarik untuk penonton global, dan
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kerajaan selepas itu mencadangkan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Abdul Rahman Dahlan yang kemudian mengesahkan identiti MO1.
Seperti yang pernah Najib katakan, ia menghargai kesetiaan berbanding kebijaksanaan. Tukar atur ini, termasuk Abdul Azeez, orang yang setia tetapi masing-masing cuba menikam antara satu sama lain untuk menandakan mereka yang paling setia dalam Kem Najib.
Malang bagi Abdul Azeez, orang yang sudah melaksanakan segala-galanya untuk presiden parti dan perdana menteri, kesetiaan dan kecekapannya itu dijadikan sasaran oleh pesaing-pesaingnya yang mahukan perhatian daripada Najib. – 3 November, 2017.
In Camp Najib, fixers fix each other up for top spot
The Malaysian InsightUpdated 11 hours ago · Published on 3 Nov 2017 10:29AM · 0 comments
IT is wonderful to be the Prime Minister's fixer on the ground.
Every word that you utter is taken seriously and you are accorded great respect and deference, far beyond your official position, appearance or educational level.
And even if senior politicians, senior civil servants or other power brokers in Malaysia do not really like you, they know that ultimately you speak for Najib Razak or Madam, as Najib's wife Rosmah Mansor is known as in PM's circle.
The flip side to being a powerful fixer on the ground is that every other individual in the PM's camp also covets that position of closeness and influence and would do pretty much anything to bring you down.
This is where fixer extraordinaire Baling MP Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim finds himself today. He is learning the fast way that being close to the powerful in Malaysia is a double-edged sword.
One day, you are flying high and seemingly untouchable. But on another day, even your heavily-accented Malay or the fact that you are fluent in Tamil is held against you.
The PM's political operatives and their bloggers smell blood. They believe that Abdul Azeez's ties with the first family are fraying and not as strong as it once was.
As a result, there have been a cache of articles about him.
Most of these articles are on Malaysia Today, run by fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin who has apparently turned pro-government after several years of supporting Anwar Ibrahim when the latter was sacked from the government in 1998.
There is talk among Umno circles that Raja Petra, better known by his initials RPK, is in cahoots with another Najib advisor but it remains just talk until today.
“Wasting my time,” said Abdul Azeez at the Parliament lobby yesterday when asked to comment on the articles by Raja Petra.
What is clear is that Abdul Azeez, who is the Tabung Haji chairman and head of Putera Umno, is being pilloried now as Najib's circle of advisors jostle to be the main point man for the prime minister.
They want to be in the same position as Abdul Azeez, to even know what the PM is wearing the next day, and his programmes. To be able to walk into the PM's house at any time of the day and be part of discussions, even if they involve confidential state issues.
There was a time when the point man was those in Najib's cohort rising through the ranks in Umno. But today, it is these operatives who lurk in the shadows but see it fit that they are known to be the point man in the Najib administration.
One of them was even slated to be featured in a BBC interview during the hubbub about the identity of MO1 – the top Malaysian official that the US Department of Justice (DoJ) said had had a hand in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) kleptocracy.
But the BBC found him unimpressive for a global audience, and the government then nominated EPU chief, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan who then confirmed MO1's identity.
Najib once said he values loyalty over intelligence. These fixers, including Abdul Azeez, are that loyal but each one has knives on each other's back to prove that they are the ultimate loyalist in Camp Najib.
Unfortunately for Abdul Azeez, who has executed everything for his party president and prime minister, that loyalty and efficiency has put a huge bullseye on his back by his rivals for Najib's affection. – November 3, 2017.
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Seperti yang pernah Najib katakan, ia menghargai kesetiaan berbanding kebijaksanaan. Tukar atur ini, termasuk Abdul Azeez, orang yang setia tetapi masing-masing cuba menikam antara satu sama lain untuk menandakan mereka yang paling setia dalam Kem Najib.
Malang bagi Abdul Azeez, orang yang sudah melaksanakan segala-galanya untuk presiden parti dan perdana menteri, kesetiaan dan kecekapannya itu dijadikan sasaran oleh pesaing-pesaingnya yang mahukan perhatian daripada Najib. – 3 November, 2017.
In Camp Najib, fixers fix each other up for top spot
The Malaysian InsightUpdated 11 hours ago · Published on 3 Nov 2017 10:29AM · 0 comments
IT is wonderful to be the Prime Minister's fixer on the ground.
Every word that you utter is taken seriously and you are accorded great respect and deference, far beyond your official position, appearance or educational level.
And even if senior politicians, senior civil servants or other power brokers in Malaysia do not really like you, they know that ultimately you speak for Najib Razak or Madam, as Najib's wife Rosmah Mansor is known as in PM's circle.
The flip side to being a powerful fixer on the ground is that every other individual in the PM's camp also covets that position of closeness and influence and would do pretty much anything to bring you down.
This is where fixer extraordinaire Baling MP Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim finds himself today. He is learning the fast way that being close to the powerful in Malaysia is a double-edged sword.
One day, you are flying high and seemingly untouchable. But on another day, even your heavily-accented Malay or the fact that you are fluent in Tamil is held against you.
The PM's political operatives and their bloggers smell blood. They believe that Abdul Azeez's ties with the first family are fraying and not as strong as it once was.
As a result, there have been a cache of articles about him.
Most of these articles are on Malaysia Today, run by fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin who has apparently turned pro-government after several years of supporting Anwar Ibrahim when the latter was sacked from the government in 1998.
There is talk among Umno circles that Raja Petra, better known by his initials RPK, is in cahoots with another Najib advisor but it remains just talk until today.
“Wasting my time,” said Abdul Azeez at the Parliament lobby yesterday when asked to comment on the articles by Raja Petra.
What is clear is that Abdul Azeez, who is the Tabung Haji chairman and head of Putera Umno, is being pilloried now as Najib's circle of advisors jostle to be the main point man for the prime minister.
They want to be in the same position as Abdul Azeez, to even know what the PM is wearing the next day, and his programmes. To be able to walk into the PM's house at any time of the day and be part of discussions, even if they involve confidential state issues.
There was a time when the point man was those in Najib's cohort rising through the ranks in Umno. But today, it is these operatives who lurk in the shadows but see it fit that they are known to be the point man in the Najib administration.
One of them was even slated to be featured in a BBC interview during the hubbub about the identity of MO1 – the top Malaysian official that the US Department of Justice (DoJ) said had had a hand in the 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) kleptocracy.
But the BBC found him unimpressive for a global audience, and the government then nominated EPU chief, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan who then confirmed MO1's identity.
Najib once said he values loyalty over intelligence. These fixers, including Abdul Azeez, are that loyal but each one has knives on each other's back to prove that they are the ultimate loyalist in Camp Najib.
Unfortunately for Abdul Azeez, who has executed everything for his party president and prime minister, that loyalty and efficiency has put a huge bullseye on his back by his rivals for Najib's affection. – November 3, 2017.
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